Unstress-home care products are specially designed to continually prevent, minimize and reverse skin damages caused by environmental and personal stresses. Highly active ingredients detoxify and protect the skin, strengthening cell structure, restoring elasticity and hydration for a healthier, even-toned and soothed complexion.
Probiotics And Ha Protect, Increase Elasticity and Smooth The Skin.
The Pro-Biotic Day Cream acts as a protective shield by boosting the skin’s natural immune system. The Day Cream’s active probiotic formula, enriched with deep penetrating antioxidant peptides, maximizes natural DNA- protecting mechanisms and cell function, helping sustain skin’s protective barrier by locking in moisture and slowing down premature ageing caused by environmental stress, revealing a healthier, smoother and soothed complexion.
Volume: 50ml
How to use:
Apply a thin, uniform layer onto entire face and pat in gently.